To the North Island Event Riders
For those of you not already aware, Bundy Philpott recently stood down from her position as the North Island Rider Rep on the ESNZ Eventing Board. Bundy fulfilled this role with enthusiasm and commitment, bringing not only the views of the North Island riders to the Board table, but also being a valued member of the Board by contributing a wide range of skills and inputs throughout her long tenure. Bundy’s contributions were recognised at the Horse of the Year Show Riders Briefing by our Sport Manager, Eliza Johns, on behalf of the Board and the riders. Thank you Bundy!
We are fortunate that Heelan Tompkins has been nominated to stand as the next NI Rider Rep to the Eventing Board. Under “normal” circumstances this nomination would be voted by the riders present at their meeting the NZ Three Day Event Championships at Taupo in May. In the interim, considering the current challenging environment and with all events being cancelled at least until the spring, the Board would like Heelan to attend the Board teleconferences until her appointment can be ratified at an event riders meeting in the Spring. This will allow for continuity to be maintained and for the NI riders to remain represented on the Board through this challenging period.
A note from Heelan
My name is Heelan Tompkins I live in the bay of plenty and have a small team of event horses. I became an Olympian in 2004 riding My little horse Glengarrick at the Athens three day event. When I’m not running round after my two children Charly Rose (3) and Hudson (2) I work for the NZOC as an Olympic ambassador , traveling to schools and speaking to students about the Olympics and the Olympic values.
The sport of eventing has changed a lot since I began and continues to change, I would like to think I will be a strong communicator to help you (the riders) have your thoughts and ideas shared with the sport you are apart of .

Heelan Tompkins and Sugoi at Kihikihi