The four strong Kiwi team of Wendi Williamson(Don Amour MH), Melissa Galloway(J’Obei W), Victoria Wall (Letty Lei EDH) and John Thompson (JHT Chemistry) all passed yesterday trot up with flying colours and compete in the CDI 4* Grand Prix this afternoon. Victoria is first of the kiwis at number 4, (14.05pm AUS), John next at number 5, then Melissa and Wendi at number 9 & 10 in field of 16 (15.30pm)
The Aussies named their team this morning Alycia Targa (CP DRESDEN) Fiona Selby (TACITA) Mary Hanna(SYVIANA)Rozzie Ryan (JARRAH R)
Although its not an official test, interest is always high in any TransTasman rivalry with both nations fielding possible Olympic prospects
Scores will be taken over the two CDI 4* Grand Prix competitions over the two events. The lowest score from each team will be dropped at each competition. The team with the highest aggregate will be the winning team, In case of a tie the Grand Prix Freestyle will be included from Event 2 |
Photo of Wendi Williamson and Don Amour MH thanks to Simon Scully