Equestrian Australia have selected their Young Rider team to compete against New Zealand in the Trans-Tasman Team Test at Larsens Showjumping Championships, Gisborne, New Zealand 24th -26th January 2020.


The Australian team will consist of:

Chris Holland
Samantha Lamont
Clemency Hughes
Sally Simmonds

Todd Hinde (Chef d’Equipe)


The New Zealand Team will consist of:

Ally Carson
Olivia Dalton
Emelia Forsyth
Oliver Croucher

Sophie Scott (reserve)

John Cottle (Chef d’Equipe)


Equestrian Australia Announcemnet: http://www.equestrian.org.au/news/young-rider-team-selected-represent-australia-new-zealand


By Jumping Sport Team, Head Office
10 January 2020