The Board held a videoconference meeting on Monday night to discuss the impact of the new Endurance rules voted in at the FEI GA in Moscow. The following decisions have been made:
Due to time constraints and to minimise effects on riders’ plans for the season, the North and South Island Championships will proceed as per the schedules that the FEI have approved. Any combined class is subject to the new rules and any changes that could be forthcoming with the announcement from the FEI and the ETC. However, there will be no CEI* 80 km or CEIJY* 80 km class offered as that distance is no longer a CEI event.
The Board will be sending out a referendum/survey to seek guidance from the membership on whether CEI classes will be offered at the National Championships.
The TC have been requested to develop an alternative set of National Endurance rules to distribute to the membership for feedback prior to the AGM where members will have the opportunity to discuss and vote on the continued alignment of our national rules with FEI and the level of support for holding future FEI events.
The Board urges that every eligible ESNZ Endurance member fill in the survey.
The future of our sport rests with the membership.
Marie Wakeling
Chair, ESNZ Endurance Board
Click here for the survey