
 NEW TESTS: The Dressage Board met on 9th May and were updated on the current situation re the new tests.  This has been a very long and complicated process, as it is not just a matter of changing tests.  The Test Review Committee and Sport Manager are working hard on all aspects of the changeover.

The Board agreed an updated timeline working towards official implementation of 1 August for competitions. This date will give riders and judges more time to familiarise prior to RE if this date can be achieved.


Proposed Implementation timeline


Advise Areas of test numbers/names for schedules


Post tests on web site


Scoring system test


Test Books Available for sale


Areas can use subject to final approval


Tests Implemented at all events. 2013 version becomes obsolete


This may be subject to some changes to trying to meet timelines to be able to get the full package of tests to go on website and also test book production.  It is hoped to get the full range of new tests on the website mid-June with the new Test Book being available early July. 


Judges Technical Manual: This will require updating to bring it current with the rules and levels relating to the new system and keep things in line with Australia. I would hope to get most of this complete by end of July also.  


Official Clinics will be available around the country during August so that everyone can learn about the new tests and levels.  These Clinics as usual are open to all riders, judges, trainers and any other interested parties so please encourage everyone in your Areas to attend these.










Clinic Dates & Contacts

3rd August        Canterbury                  Linda Warren-Davey ([email protected])

4th August        Waitemata                  Judith Cunningham ([email protected]

11th August      Waikato                       Michelle Paterson ([email protected]

11th August      Nelson                         Suzanne Inglis ([email protected])

17th August      Mosgiel                       Barbara Chalmers ([email protected])

25th August      Southern HB                Mary Craine ([email protected])  
31st August      Gisborne                      Sue Harris ([email protected])  


JUDGES EXAMS: Our examination process for A level judges will be finalised by mid-July and I will be able to send out a full list of new Levels of Judges to all Areas by end of July.

JUDGES LIST REVISED LEVELS: A full new list of Levels of Judges will be forwarded to all Areas by the end of July and will also be on the ESNZ website under Profiles/Officials and in a .pdf format

ACCREDITED JUDGES may act as a member of a Ground Jury at events or competitions within NZ at the following levels:


G LEVEL:               May judge up to and incl. Preliminary level

F LEVEL:                May judge up to and incl.  Novice level

E LEVEL:              May judge up to and incl.  Medium level

D LEVEL:               May judge up to and incl. Advanced Medium level

C LEVEL:               May judge up to and incl. Advanced level

B LEVEL:               May judge up to and incl. Small tour (PSG/Inter 1)

A LEVEL:              May judge up to and incl.  Grand Prix level

Every third year all dressage judges are required to re-accredit with Dressage NZ (ESNZ) using the re-accreditation form and complete an Open Rule Book Test.  Once a judge has re-accredited, they will appear on the Officials List and can be found in the Officials search on the ESNZ website.

Shadow judging and Sit In forms have been adjusted to be much more user friendly and these will be included in the revised Technical Manual and on the website for downloading together with other relevant forms.

Upgrading judges must apply to do so, in writing, to their respective Area Judges Officer who will then submit to the National Judges Officer.   Applications will be invited by JSC on an annual basis in July of each year.

ELIMINATION IN FREESTYLE TESTS: The Planning Forum discussed amending DR Rule 441.1 and the recommendation is that under DR NZL rules, there will be no  “elimination” for movements above level in freestyle tests in the future, instead there will be a penalty in the Technical marks if a rider “deliberately” does an illegal movement.  This rule will be added also to the bottom of freestyle test sheets, so it is clear to everyone. (EFFECTIVE when new rule book published)

Sue Hobson

Dressage NZ National Judges Officer/ Chair Test Review Committee
