Elections & Expressions of Interest
A reminder that Nominations for Chair and Expressions of Interest for Technical Officer, and Judges Sub-Committee close tomorrow 17th May . Lynda Clark has advised she will not be seeking re election as Chair. Scott McKenna has accepted nomination as Chair.
NEC Committees: Members interested in the development of our NEC venues and interested in an NEC committee role are invited to express an interest (Annual Board appointment)
Steward General: Jane Robertson has indicated she will not be seeking a further term as Steward General (Board appointment)
A number of Annual Awards are presented at the Awards Dinner
Volunteer of the Year
Official of the Year (Judge/Steward/TD)
As a result of our Volunteer and Official programme running vis the Bulletin, we have a number of volunteers and official already nominated, but if there is someone you think should be nominated also, please tell us. These people are a critical component of our sport. Nomination Form
Karmargen Fairplay Award
Fissenden Trophy for an Outstanding Contribution to Dressage NZ