All the Kiwis are safely through the first horse inspection at the Mitsubishi Motors Australian International 3 Day Event in Adelaide.
Renee Faulkner (Auckland) and Rubinstar HH, Amanda Pottinger (Havelock North) on the current national three day champ Just Kidding, Jess Woods (Waikato) aboard Just de Manzana, Emily Cammock (Canterbury) on Shaw Lee, Bundy Philpott (Cambridge) on Tresca NZPH, Donna Edwards-Smith (Te Kauwhata) with both DSE Tangolooma and DSE Cluny, and Australia-based Hayley Frielick on Class Action LP and My Happiness are on the 24-strong card for the top event. Lucy Turner (Canterbury) and Carbon have entered the CCI2* which has attracted 50 entries.
Emily’s Shaw Lee was held during yesterday afternoon’s inspection, but went straight through on second inspection.
ESNZ high performance development coach Jock Paget said the riders were relaxed and the horses in good shape. “They’ve all had a couple of easy days to get over the trip and will be back into work today (Thursday) to prepare for the dressage.”
Lucy is the only rider in action today with the start of the 2* class, with the 4* riders underway on Friday.
Amanda, Bundy and Lucy will be joined by an Australian 2* rider for the 2018 Team Challenge event. They’ll be up against teams from Australian states, all of which must have two 4* and two 2* riders in each and allow for just the best three scores to count.
The horse details:
Rubinstar HH – owned by Renee Faulkner
Just Kidding – owned by the Pottinger Family
Just de Manzana – owned by Little Valley Farm
Shaw Lee – owned by Emily Cammock
Tresca NZPH – owned by Bundy Philpott
DSE Cluny – owned by Gaye McClunie
DSE Tangolooma – owned by Donna and Elise Edwards-Smith and Graham Smith
Class Action LP – owned by Hayley Frielick
My Happiness – owned by Hayley Frielick
Carbon – owned by WJ and EA Drayton and Lucy Turner
By Diana Dobson
Photos by Libby Law/ESNZ